Highlights of Immigration Reforms Act Chinese
11 Million 非法移民有望合法化,你符合条件吗?2013 四月16日参议院两党八人帮介绍的移民提议案,通常被称为”移民改革法案”将会改变美国现行移民法律并为大批非法移民创造合法化和最终成为美国公民的机会。
- 美国公民兄弟姊妹申请将会被取消: 这个提案建议取消目前移民法律第4类家庭移民申请。在提案变成法律之后18 个月后,美国公民将不再有资格申请兄弟姊妹移民。
- 符合条件的非法移民可以申请 “Registered Provisional Immigrant” (RPI) 身份。RPI身份不是绿卡身份,但是可以合法工作和自由进出美国,并不会受遣返。
RPI身份申请条件如下:- 必须是2011年12 月31前进入美国并之后持续居留美国;
- 必须付清所有应交以及欠交的税款;
- 每个申请人需缴付申请费还有罚款((提议500美元)
- 申请人的配偶和未成年子女可以包括在同一份申请内但是申请时他们人需要在美国;
- 目前在递解出境程序中的人士也要资格申请。 以前因非犯罪因素被递解出境之后又回到美国的人也有资格申请,但是必须是2011年12 月31前返回美国并持续居留;
- 因非犯罪因素被递解出境同时目前人在美国境外的人士也可能有资格申请重新进入美国,但前提是他/她必须是美国公民或者永久居民的父母或者配偶;
- 有犯罪记录的人士如果是被定一项重罪(felony),或者超过三项以上的轻罪(包括酒后驾车)将没有资格申请;
RPI 身份可享受的福利和申请绿卡,公民的程序:- 可以合法工作和自由进出美国;
- 不可以享受联邦福利:
- RPI 身份首次有效期为六年。可以延期但是延期时需要再交申请费和罚款;
- 持有RPI 身份10年以后,可以申请绿卡但是需要再交罚款;
- 根据RPI身份获得绿卡3年以后可以申请入籍;
- “梦想身份法案的学生”(THE DREAMERS) 可以在持有RPI 身份5年以后申请绿卡。获得绿卡之后可以马上申请入籍。
提案前景和相应准备: 这个提案的前景应该是乐观的。如果最终成为法律,它无疑是上百万非法移民合法居留美国最终成为公民的一个途径。 但是最近的波士顿爆炸案也无疑引起对法案的负面争议和延缓。在等待最后消息的过程中,不妨做以下准备:
- 有意申请兄弟姊妹移民的公民不妨尽快提出申请,以免永久失去机会。
- 请注意有些犯罪可以被取消后(EXPUNGE OR SET ASIDE)不影响申请RPI 身份。 所以有关人士应该尽快咨询有经验的律师看是否可以EXPOUNGE 犯罪记录。
- 最后,一旦法律通过,预计有11 MILLION 人会申请RPI 身份。 有意申请的人士应近快咨询有经验的移民律师。 我们律师事务所可以帮助解答你的疑问,请致电或者上网预约。
Tel: 510-818-0898. 网址: www.limlawpractice.com
Client Reviews
"My father was hit by a car when he was cross the road close to a grocery parking lot last year. Although he was not seriously injured but he still spent months in hospital. We needed a lawyer to help to deal with the insurance issues. Luckily we found office of Derek Lim for their professional guidance. Christine handled everything professionally and made the whole process easy for us so we can focus on taking care of my father. We are satisfied with their service and results and highly recommend them to anyone who needs an accident lawyer." Yun J.
"Law office of Derek Lim did an excellent job on settling my personal injury case. I look up their ad online and I called their office about my car accident. Mr. Lim came to my home the next day to obtained all the info. They settled my case promptly. I am very pleased with the settlement and highly recommend Law office of Derek Lim." Janice C.
"We had Derek help dealing with a car accident case. Derek and Christine were very responsive. They handle everything with the insurance company and gave clear guidance on all questions that came up. We were very satisfied with the service we received and we highly recommend Derek and Christine if you need help from a professional law office." Yin Yin W.
"We had 2 car accident cases which both handled by Christine at Derek Lim. They are very professional, I highly recommend that you give them a call, they will handle everything with the insurance company and hassle free." Kris L.
"Hi Mr. Lim, I want to spread the good news to you that my brother has obtained the immigration VISA, see attached. Thank you very much for your great assistance and consistent support along the way." Ada T.