林俊哲 律師

Picture of Derek Deake Lim 林俊哲律師祖籍潮州,生於香港,畢業於香港著名的拔萃中學之後來美求學於UC RIVERSIDE經濟系。基於他立志於公眾服務和幫助弱勢群體的初衷,他在UC RIVERSIDE畢業後選擇就讀致力公益服務的SAN FRANCISCO NEW COLLEGE OF LAW。 最終成為一位德才兼备的加州註冊律師,至今已執業20余年。


業餘時間林律師喜歡打網球和與家人朋友相處。林律師作為一位資深有成就的律師從不驕傲自滿,非常平易近人,並且親力親為。面對日益變更的美國法律,找到一位有經驗,有良知, 負責任和不懼強勢的律師, 是您和您的家人的最佳选择, 更是保護您的權益不受半點損失的前提。

  • 移民法
  • 人體受傷或意外致死
  • 商業法(公司設立、商業租約和生意買賣轉讓)
  • 家庭法(婚前和婚後協定、無爭議離婚及法庭更改姓名年齡)
  • 財產規劃(遺囑及生前信託)
  • 加利福尼亞州, 1996-現在
  • 加州法學院新學院,三藩市,加利福尼亞州
    • J.D. - 1995
  • 加州大學河濱分校,河濱,加利福尼亞州
    • B.A. - 1978
    • 專業: 經濟學
  • 《星島日報》移民法每週專欄
專業協會和會員 • 阿拉米達縣律師協會
  • 美國亞裔律師協會
  • 加利福尼亞州律師協會
  • 美國移民律師協會
  • 美國審判律師協會
  • 英語
  • 粵語
  • 普通話
  • 潮州話
  • 泰語
  • 老撾
Client Reviews
"My father was hit by a car when he was cross the road close to a grocery parking lot last year. Although he was not seriously injured but he still spent months in hospital. We needed a lawyer to help to deal with the insurance issues. Luckily we found office of Derek Lim for their professional guidance. Christine handled everything professionally and made the whole process easy for us so we can focus on taking care of my father. We are satisfied with their service and results and highly recommend them to anyone who needs an accident lawyer." Yun J.
"Law office of Derek Lim did an excellent job on settling my personal injury case. I look up their ad online and I called their office about my car accident. Mr. Lim came to my home the next day to obtained all the info. They settled my case promptly. I am very pleased with the settlement and highly recommend Law office of Derek Lim." Janice C.
"We had Derek help dealing with a car accident case. Derek and Christine were very responsive. They handle everything with the insurance company and gave clear guidance on all questions that came up. We were very satisfied with the service we received and we highly recommend Derek and Christine if you need help from a professional law office." Yin Yin W.
"We had 2 car accident cases which both handled by Christine at Derek Lim. They are very professional, I highly recommend that you give them a call, they will handle everything with the insurance company and hassle free." Kris L.
"Hi Mr. Lim, I want to spread the good news to you that my brother has obtained the immigration VISA, see attached. Thank you very much for your great assistance and consistent support along the way." Ada T.